meh kitty

Hey. Congratulations on finding me. Impressive...really. You love cats. You're a bit sarcastic, snarky and have epic amounts of cattitude. You've honed your skills at dropping shade, making it a medal-worthy olympic sport. You received your PhD in texting witty comebacks at 9 years old. I'm clapping on the inside...really, I am.

Ok, it's time to go download my app...NOW. I'm waiting...bored...meh.


Snarky header

Look. Let's not kid around here. Pretending to care takes copious amounts of energy. Waking me up was tolerated because you promised to bring snacks. I'm not sleeping, I'm just waiting for you to leave. Go on, click a link and go do something downloading my app. Go on. Get to it, this nap ain't gonna happen on it's own.


Over 120 stickers

Drop a sticker in any message, or a combination of them to express yourself. Use your favorite stickers and quotes to decorate any picture or selfie in your messages.

Make a statement

Sometimes you need to bring a hammer, other times something a little more subtle will work. Spice up any conversation or photo with the right statement, always served with a side of snark and sarcasm...extra meh of course.